

Please join your neighbors for our monthly association meeting. Meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except the month of the annual block party (August or September) and December) at 7:00 p.m., at the Free Methodist Church, Grimes Lane and S. Lincoln Street. Connect with new people or see old friends and discuss issues important to our quality of life in our neighborhood.


The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association is located on the SE side of Bloomington. It’s border can be defined as:

  • East of South Walnut Street
  • West of Woodlawn Ave
  • North of Hillside Drive
  • South of 1st Street
  • South and West of Bryan Park

View a map – GIF 114.46 KB | PDF 380.85 KB


2016 Executive Committee

  • Jennifer Bauer
  • Ryan Conway
  • Jon Lawrence
  • Mary Lou Mitchell
  • Loree Steinmetz
  • Ian Woolen


Our organization is defined by our By-laws.

Contact Us

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association can be contacted at bryanparkna@gmail.com